How does dry cleaning work?

As the term suggests, “dry cleaning” implies that no water is used in the cleaning process. Most people often wonder how garments can be cleaned without using water. What is dry cleaning and how is it done?

There have been many articles written on this subject, but here is our unique take. 

Yes, dry cleaning gets clothes wet, but not with water. The dry-cleaning solvents used are indeed liquid and they WILL wet garments. However, unlike water-based cleaning, dry-cleaning solvents do not penetrate garment fibers, hence the term dry-cleaning.

In the sections below, we explore the process of dry-cleaning step by step.

The 6 Steps to our Dry-Cleaning Process

The dry-cleaning process is not typical for all dry cleaners. Below is the OrangeBag drying cleaning process that is gentle on clothes and does not leave behind that annoying dry-cleaning odor.


Your clothes are tagged to ensure they can easily be traced while they are in the cleaning process. Tagging ensures garments do not get mixed up and no client misses some of their garments or receives a garment that is not theirs during delivery.


Clothes must be carefully inspected before the cleaning starts. Our professional cleaners will check whether there are any items in the pockets. Any items found are returned to clients during delivery. They’ll also look out for rips, tears, and/or missing buttons. 


Each of the garments is laid out and inspected for stains that might need special attention. Stubborn stains are treated before the garment is placed into the dry-cleaning machine.

Your clothes can go through our dry-cleaning process repeatedly without fading or looking worn-out.

The stains are treated with a dry-cleaning solvent, heated, or vacuumed. The method used to remove the stains depends on the type of stains. It would be helpful to let your OrangeBag pickup driver know that your garments require stain treatment.


The garments are sorted and placed in the dry-cleaning machine. The sorting is based on color and the manufacturer’s cleaning recommendations. Similar garments are cleaned together.

Unlike other dry cleaners, OrangeBag uses sand-based liquid silicone. Most dry cleaners use a petroleum-based solvent known as perc. Perc is categorized by the FPA as an air contaminant. Some of the dry-cleaning chemicals used are toxic and can be harmful if mishandled. The liquid silicone solvent used by OrangeBag is a by-product of sand and is non-toxic. It also does not leave an undesirable odor on the garments.

The solvent used dissolves any grease on the garments and floats soil particles away from the garments. The cleaning machine spins the garments and the solvent. This spinning action helps float dirt particles away from the garments as well. The solvent is then drained, and the garments are rinsed with fresh solvent. The fresh solvent flushes any residue dirt that might be on the garments.

The garments are then dried based on the manufacturer’s care instructions. The temperature used to dry the garments depends on the type of fabric. Different types of fabric require different drying temperatures.

OrangeBag’s toxin-free and eco-friendly dry cleaning process leaves your clothes smelling and looking fresh.


Garments are re-inspected before packaging for delivery. Each garment is inspected for any stubborn stains that might have stayed behind.

The dry-cleaning process is usually quite effective, especially in getting rid of soil and oil-based stains. However, there are other types of stains that might prove to be a headache. These are removed using steam, vacuuming, or even water if necessary. 


The final step involves ensuring the garment is ready to reflect your million-dollar look! Garments are pressed and given one final inspection, packaged, and set for delivery.


What Makes OrangeBag Different?

OrangeBag is a dry-cleaning pickup and delivery service with a twist. First, our reusable laundry bags are specially designed not to trap moisture inside. Once your clothes are cleaned, they’ll stay fresh until they are delivered to your door.

Second, our dry-cleaning process is toxin-free and eco-friendly as it protects the garments and prevents the release of any harmful chemicals into the environment that comes with traditional dry-cleaning methods. 

OrangeBag’s dry cleaning process is designed to ensure clothes do not lose their luster. Your clothes can go through our dry-cleaning process repeatedly without fading or looking worn-out. The process does not cause shrinkage either. Garments always come out of the process looking as good as new.

Finally, OrangeBag handles laundry with lots and lots of love. Our small but robust team handles the cleaning process from beginning to end and they do a phenomenal job. If at any point, your order is not processed to your liking, please let us know. We will do everything we can to meet your laundry needs in the way you prefer and expect. We are here to help. 

OrangeBag is your expert Los Angeles Laundry Delivery Service and has the answers to your laundry questions!


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